As the Day of Silence program picks of speed and students come to school wearing their tags of protest, teachers around our country will have the following conversations.
Why does this have to be in our face?
Why do we not have a heterosexual day of silence?
Sarcasm, anger, and sadness will prevail.
For teachers who deny the importance of such days, here are the hate crime statistics that you refuse to acknowledge:
Hate Crimes Based on Sexual Orientation
1995: 13% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
1996: 12% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
1997: 14% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
1998: 15% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
1999: 17% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
2000: 16% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
2001: 14% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
2002: 17% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
2003: 17% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
2004: 16% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
Enjoy those teacher room conversations.